Recent days I got curious that what topics attract most of economists' attentions. NBER working paper series contain some relatively new research fruits so I used it as the raw input.
It is not hard to extract key words from these papers' titles. After that, I made a further step that matched all single keys to academic keywords on Microsoft Academic.
From a glance, I manage to identify some hot keys:
Price. Health. Social. Policy/Public. Risk/asset/liquidity. Growth. Insurance. Education/School.
For reproducible purpose, my code is here.
grab_url <- c("", "", "", "", "") library(RCurl) require(XML) grab_paper <- function (grab) { webpage <- getURLContent(grab) web_content <- htmlParse(webpage,asText = TRUE) paper_title <- sapply(getNodeSet(web_content, path="//li/a[1]"),xmlValue) author <- sapply(getNodeSet(web_content, path="//li/text()[1]") ,xmlValue) paper_author <- data.frame(paper_title = paper_title, author = author) return(paper_author) } library(plyr) paper_all <- ldply(grab_url,grab_paper) titles <- strsplit(as.character(paper_all$paper_title),split="[[:space:]|[:punct:]]") titles <- unlist(titles) library(tm) library(SnowballC) titles_short <- wordStem(titles) Freq2 <- data.frame(table(titles_short)) Freq2 <- arrange(Freq2, desc(Freq)) Freq2 <- Freq2[nchar(as.character(Freq2$titles_short))>3,] Freq2 <- subset(Freq2, !titles_short %in% stopwords("SMART")) Freq2$word <- reorder(Freq2$titles_short,X = nrow(Freq2) - 1:nrow(Freq2)) Freq2$common <- Freq2$word %in% c("Evidenc","Effect","Econom","Impact","Experiment","Model","Measur","Rate","Economi", "High","Data","Long","Chang","Great","Estimat","Outcom","Program","Analysi","Busi" ,"Learn","More","What") library(ggplot2) ggplot(Freq2[1:100,])+geom_bar(aes(x=word,y=Freq,fill = common,alpha=!common))+coord_flip() ### get some keywords from Bing academic start_id_Set = (0:5)*100+1 require(RCurl) require(XML) # start_id =1 # get_keywords_table <- function (start_id) { end_id = start_id+100-1 keyword_url <- paste0("",start_id,"&end=",end_id) keyword_page <- getURLContent(keyword_url) keyword_page <- htmlParse(keyword_page,asText = TRUE) keyword_table <- getNodeSet(keyword_page, path="id('ctl00_MainContent_divRankList')//table") table_df <- readHTMLTable(keyword_table[[1]]) names(table_df) <- c("rowid","Keywords" , "Publications" ,"Citations") return (table_df) } require(plyr) keywords_set <- ldply(start_id_Set,get_keywords_table) save(keywords_set, file="keywords_set.rdata")