The outline for Latex Lecuture


Latex and its application in economic essay writing


Latex is the best tool for college students to write their papers as well as some beamers for presentation. It is pretty convenient to typeset mathematical formulas and vectorized pictures. This series of lecture will be divided into three parts, with basic introduction of the operation principle of latex, including formulas, tables, pictures and reference etc. After the brief introduction, I will use visual method to show you how to finish a paper with latex, therefore avoiding  the terrible feeling when dealing with original codes.

After the lecture, you will be able to write an article with latex independently.


Lesson 1: Basic Knowledge

1.1 basic pinciple

  • breif introduction: the origin of latex, different distributed version, the idea of latex's typeset, and mutually convert to word
  • user group: research, publication, why use latex?
  • application: academic papers, resume (CV), books and beamers
  • localization and Chinese
  • Layout: setting up the page, footnotes, fonts and colors

1.2 mathematical formula

  • introduction: grammar (Greek letters), common symbols, subscript and upscript, and different formula environments
  • advanced support: AMS package

1.3 table

  • float environment
  • insert and config a table

Lesson 2: Common Functions

2.1 visual editing

  • introduce Lyx: functions and installations.

2.2 figures

  • Insert a pic: supported formats, typeset, rotate and zoom
  • How to draw a scientific picture: the format of EPS, Illustrator

2.3 reference

  • Cross reference: insert a lable, refer a objection (formula, table, figure)
  • reference: format (default, Bibtex), reference methods (serial numbers, author and year)
  • automatically reference collection: zotero, and Endnote

Lesson 3: Advanced Functions

3.1 Tex Editors and real-time preview

  • the latex editor: simple introduction of LED, its appearance and functions
  • real-time preview: configuration

3.2 make a beamer

  • the principle of a beamer
  • steps to make a beamer: based on available templates

3.3 templates

  • situation: the difference compared with common documents
  • some international journal's templates: how to use and edit
  • use latex to make a book: compared with articles

3.4 cooperation with word

  • word to latex: Mathtype and formula
  • tex to word: solutions

3.5 work with R and stata

  • R project
  • Stata

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