[Conference Report] Experiments in Social Networks

Fortunately, I went to two conferences in the past month, one specialized academic conference on Complex Network held by University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and the second one was organized by my dear UseR friends and I, which was the 4th China-R Conference (Shanghai) in East China Normal University.

It was really my honor to participate in these two conferences and deliver presentations to the audience. My talk was focused on experiments in social networks, and some consequent analysis in R. As the conferences were in China, I talked in Chinese throughout. Social network is a hot topic nowadays, but experimental methods are still at the beginning stage. With social learning models, we found out a good way to test the network effects with randomized experiments.

It was also my great pleasure to meet famous scholars worldwide. In the complex network conference, a lot people from physics and computer science brought my with fresh knowledge and inspirations. In the R conference, we invited so many experienced useR and exchanged our experience of using R. It is always good to feel that many people are enjoying the convenience of R and are happy to play with data in numerous fields.

At last, here are the slides I used to assist my presentation. Sorry but they are in Chinese...



3 thoughts on “[Conference Report] Experiments in Social Networks

  1. guob

    University of Electronic Science and Technology of China




    1. Liyun Post author

      This slide is based on Latex's beamer - with parameter

      My CV was written by coding HTML directly.... no template available....sorry for this...

  2. John

    看了slides_network_experiments_R,但是对于美国高中生朋友网络形态和 美国高中生性关系网络形态的Figure不是很懂, 是物以类聚 人以群分的简单道理么

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